Green fluorite tumbled crystal pendant wrapped in bronze wire (Canadian dime for sizing)
This crystal will be cleansed and programmed with your healing and chakra balance in mind.
Fluorite promotes forgiveness, compassion, and empathy, for both oneself and others,
I suggest selecting the necklace length that will place the pendant closest to your heart chakra, as placing the Fluorite close to your heart space will help heal your heart chakra and protect your aura.*The corded necklaces are adjustable the silver necklaces are not
Green fluorite is said to clear negative energy from a space, and to absorb pollution from the environment and stagnant energy. Fluorite is often used to clear confusion or conflicting ideas and to dispel negative ruminations and anxiety. It is believed to also increase focus and raise IQ when worn over time.
Green Fluorite stimulates cellular purification, regeneration, and the elimination of toxins and disease. It is believed to be an antiviral, immune stimulator, and anti-inflammatory agent. Green Fluorite is often used to ease digestive and intestinal complaints and ailments. Fluorite is also known to strengthen bones and ease the progression and pain related to bone and joint disease and injury.
Green Fluorite has been used to ease symptoms of colds and flu, sinusitis, bronchitis, cough, allergy, and pneumonia. Fluorite has been been used and is believed to aid in the treatment of highly infectious diseases, as well as protective prevention for those who work with infected patients. (NO crystal is a replacement for responsible choices and sound medical advice! Crystals CAN be used in conjunction with other treatments and precautions)
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